Hardware information and hacking resources

New life for an old machine – Matrix-1000 Firmware Update
Bob Grieb from tauntek.com wrote a new version v1.20 of the Matrix-1000 firmware which I help to distribute in Europe, with his consent.
The advantages of the new firmware over the factory version v1.11 are:
- Most important parameters respond in real-time, enabling you to play the synth shaping the sound
- NPRN control of parameters enabled for real-time sound tweaking via DAW or MIDI controller
- Value of parameters displayed on the synth’s LED when editing
- ENV1 Sustain and ENV2->VCA control bugs fixed
- GliGli’s Unison Detune mod enables detune control via CC #94
For Matrix-6/6R owners, there is Bob’s improved firmware V2.15. It fixes the bugs and speeds up parameters just like the Matrix-1000 firmware does, and is available for the same price.
I have been the proud owner of one of these late 80s analog rack synthesizers since the early 90s – 1HU versions of the entry-level Oberheim Matrix-6 beast – and have spent some time understanding them. I have not been remotely as successful as some real engineers and hackers, but I have made some inroads:
- Howto: Replacing the battery and resetting the memory. Most Matrix-1000 owners should really read this, considering that the buffer battery for the RAM sound patches does need a change after more than three decades.
- For those trying to understand the M-1000, I’ve made a hardware/software primer as a Google Doc. Please feel free to leave your comments and hints. Thanks to Bob Grieb, there are also reconstructed schematics: 1: CPU, Memory, Decode [PDF], 2: MIDI [PDF], 3: Timers [PDF], 4: DAC, CV Mux [PDF], 5: Voice circuitry [PDF], 6: LEDs and switches [PDF]
- A handy PDF chart of all the Matrix’s regular parameters (Matrix control not included)
- I’ve designed a simple controller interface for the iPad with the €4.99 TB Midi Stuff app.Read here about it, and download the last version (V1.03) here. Unfortunately, it no longer works on more recent iOS devices, and the programmer never updated the app. Bummer. It’s like a virtual Access Matrix Programmer – no: it’s a lot better – and it works especially well with V1.16 and V1.21 ROMs. WARNING: As of the time being, TB Midi Stuff is close to abandonware!!! A new version has been promised for years… well, it still kind of works.
- Own a Novation SL MkII controller? ZIP file with sysex templates for the M1000 can be found here. Owners of a (very similar) Novation X-Station might have a look around the web – there used to be a copy of the controller template in the Files section of the X-Station Yahoo group. Those no longer exist, and I seem to have lost my copy. — No matrix control – but real knobs and sliders!
- I also had a look at the Matrix Touch iPad editor when it came out – my verdict: it’s worth getting!
- The 2MHz 6809 brain of the Matrix-1000 is a bit overworked, and there have been attempts to replace it with something more powerful. First step is to replace the original CPU with a socket. And, as I’ve learned the hard way, have a replacement 6809 CPU ready.
- Does your Matrix-1000 show “1.03” on switching on? Then it’s probably very old and needs a small hardware patch.
All blog posts tagged “Oberheim” can be found here.