Roland JX-3P Firmware Update

Firmware update for the Roland JX-3P Analog classic:

  • MIDI CC control of all parameters [list of parameters here]
  • MIDI velocity can be routed to VCF depth or VCA
  • Sysex save and load of banks B and C (MKS-30 dump format compatible)
  • MIDI channel selection: 1-8 or OMNI (saved on power-off)
  • Front panel and CC selection of Poly I or Poly II key assign mode (always defaults to Poly I at power up)
  • Fixed: LFO Delay Timer works on MIDI notes
  • Fixed: CC 01 mod wheel messages now supported. (Controls LFO -> DCO mod depth, same as MKS-30)


Installing the firmware is not quite straightforward. Apart from replacing the firmware IC, two connections will have to be changed – one has to be soldered, one has to be cut. Details on how to do this can be found [here].


Tauntek JX-3P Firmware Update

Item number: 13
Item price: 31,50 EUR
(incl. 19,00% sales tax and plus Shipping cost)
Tauntek JX-3P Update
Chip with Tauntek firmware upgrade for Roland JX-3P. Needs hardware patch to work.
MIDI CC control and other functions - (C) 2021 Bob Grieb/ Sold with permission and on behalf of the author.