
Okay, smart people like the visitors of this blog do know how to look for tagged content, but it can never harm to have an overview page, right?

Music. With the iPad. And other tools.

For some reason, I have always written that stuff in English.

Research into…

Fun with lights (mostly German)

  • Retrochic: Sensolite – Senso is Germany’s name for the old “Simon Says” game; I turned it into a LED lamp.
  • Ikea Moodstar – ein Moodlight aus einer Ikea-Retro-Glasfaserleuchte
  • Tinas Rache: Wie der Versuch, ein Leselicht mit Berührungsschalter auszustatten, leider nur einen Teilerfolg zeitigte

Old stuff: Asus EEE PC, Atari2600PC (all German)